Saturday 12 February 2011

% still constitute pull Chinese total netizen is scale increase of main power

In addition, the our country cellular phone netizen is scale reaches to 3.300,000,000 people, increase 6930 myriad people ater the end of 2009, cellular phone netizen at the proportion in the total netizen is from 2009 year-ends of 60.8% promote to 66.2%, still constitute pull Chinese total netizen is scale increase of main power.(Source:Newspaper in Hangzhou)
(Responsibility editor:Hou extraordinary talent)
Up to 12 the end of the months, 2010s, our country netizen is scale attain 457,000,000, but the national Internet links speed just for the 100.9 KBs on the average|s, the away below world links speed on the average.(230.4 KBs|s)(New net in January 19)
Get into a new century, the Internet profession development of China advances by leaps and bounds, but cans not covers up a net to soon climbs embarrassedly such as the snail-netizen is scale year by year break a so-and-so toll-gate, network overlay rate year by year increase how much percentage point, all just scale of extend, back of technique change, principle transformation, service follow of composition but have no how much.

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